Suffering the Missing...

And thought of letting you into the bits & pieces of me..
* Right now, I'm missing you like hell!
* A lump of tears still forms in my throat each time the same subject pops up.
* Fear of losing you, although recently you are becoming more of a memory.
* Don't feel interested into online-meeting new people, & seems like youngers are so attracted to me in this phase of life! I'm willingly giving them my real info. Kids are sweet. Don't hurt my heart!
* Back to the Horse thing! & this time I'm determined.
* Angry at what's happening to Lebanon. The other day I was laughingly telling others: "Bombing, no bombing, I'm going to Lebanon!" My luck is being too cheezy with Lebanon lately! I miss there.. a lot! :(
* My back is back to aching!
* Still as fat as you left me.
* Mornings are truly hard without you.
* You are the love of my life. The only one!