Randomania! =)Funny how a small talk with each of your friends flips your mood! =)
Today was a long day! In fact, it was a short one! I was just thinking how all of a sudden it got all busy busy busy that I couldn't get the chance to call mama back! Got home 5:00 p.m. feeling Ok, the short trip from work to home was full of mixed emotions.. This weekend was something.... I was smiling reminiscing about the past 2 days.. At the moment where a small laugh slipped out of me, I immediately looked at the driver and thought that he can now officially tell what a day dreamer I am!
I started chatting with (M).. He was upset about stupid comments he got to some pix of his. I said: "Delete them! simply".. Then I paused: "Or wait wait.. I wanna check them out!" ;P "aiiat soooora i wanna seeeeeee" "al bent commented in ayyat pic?" You can see how zannana I am! lol
I was joking around and teasing him about the thing.. Then as I was reading more of the commentary; I got like: "allahomma inni sa2em! 8\" I was disgusted!! Ppl., what the hell happened to some girls! Well I could flirt beshagawa every now and then with some very close friends whom I know they do get me when I'm in a high mood! =P But Come On! Not to the extend of saying: "Ab'3a adooog!!!!!!!!!!" Tedoooog?????? Come On! How tacky is that!
Whatever! That just left me garfana, period!
Then I was chatting with (A).. I gotta say it dude, that was kinda unexpected of you =) I have always thought we'd never agree upon anything! =P And yeah that's me being judgmental again! =P So, I was doing the same old talk of: "i hate it when guys play with girlz soft emotions" He: "but girls sometimes believe anything" Me: "lamma someone ygool le someone: i love u,, what should it mean?" Him: "many things" Me *shocked!*: "wahh!!" Him: "i care about u...i like you..i love u as in a sister...or it might be i love u as in a personaliy" Moi: "care, included.. like, included. bs come on!.. sometimes u know when is it a sister love & when is it something else!" Him: "also u should know if the guy is full of shit or not" *Me laughing! loooool =P* Him: "many ways...the way a person talks, the way he behaves and the way he things overall" Me: "the talk & the bev. is just great! great as in he can never fake it!!!" Him: "to me...i believe in a simple theory" "there is nothing called as gf-bf thing ...if they like each other, he should go and propose to her immediately" "other than that..is a waste of time"
Dude, I salut you! =P But: "the heart wants what the heart wants"
Anyway, That got me kinda side ways! :\
Finally, I chatted with (B).. Now here where the real laugh came along! =P After few lines.. Ana: "ur life is exhausting =P" Him: "lol not always but at the moment it is" Ana: " sometimes being busy is fun!" "enjoy it while u can =P" "bokra tseer doctor we te6fash mn shofat al morada kol yom =P" Him: "looooooooooooooooooool" "min jid :P" "ba3den kman docs moshklah ma7ad yeshofahom fy ay mkan doc tra madry eh yoja3ny madry eh felo madry eh" Ana: "loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool" "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ya ba6niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" "u made me alugh wallah true!!!! waii!!" "amma madri aih felo madi aih de wallah 9ada8t!!!!!!! lool" Him: "wallah! tra we have docs with us in the gym.. 2 of them consultants bs eno they don't respond to those who ask them 3ashan it never ends!"
Well, this is a quiet evening.. and I really enjoy staying home! =)
¶ 7:01 PM