Tagged by HP! :P
The Rule: “Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs!”:
So simple & natural with others that almost everyone loves me, yet so picky & God Knows Why! I hardly really like anyone! :(
So contradicted with my very own self! So practical & pragmatic, so soft & emotional. So cynical & proudy, so shy & vulnerable!
Don't believe in the "Love Story" concept, yet long to live one.
I'm aggressive & harsh with guys! Mashkaljiah y3ni & would fight with them over anything! But most of them think I'm cute & sweet! :P Never mind the other few, they are just jealous!! :P
I Misunderstand signals! & tend to send wrong ones as well!! "It's complicated! :P"
Love the Polo! The sport & the candy! Guys who polo are extra sexy to me! I carry polo mints in everywhere.
I have a great sense of Superiority! I struggle to get rid of! :S
I adore my handwriting. I see my personality revealed through it in a way I just cannot describe it. My sharpness & softness are all in the way I draw the letters. I even stop writing my essays just to look closely & examine how uniquely I write! "It's crazy! :D"
No one, at all, attracted me through the whole period of my life, except for only one person. He had me head over heels the moment we started chatting, made me fly in the sky with a huge smile on my face! Turned to be married! With kids! And there my dreams go crushed!!
I'm a Shopaholic, a chocoholic, a coffeeholic & I have a slight 7awar in my eyes like Cyrine Abdel Nour! :) Have I mentioned that my parents were about to name me Cyrine too?
I tag: Bassem, BJ, A5med, Julz, Ali & who hasn't been tagged yet! ;P