Then again, as I watch married couples around me, I see that even if they happened to have the whole "Soul-mate-ness" phenomenon before marriage, it certainlly dissolved!
My cousin has many serious troubles with her husband. She says that after less than 1 month! they started to face the ugly reality! They are horribly different! She refers that to although they had a 9 months period of Melka, they did not spend it into learning more about each other. It was not like discussing various issues in life to get to know their personal views. It was all like: "A7obbek oo t7obeeni & kisses!" -- Duhh! That's the tremendous mistake she states. She has a baby girl!
My uncle has even a disastrous marriage. He always says that his wife is everything he's never wanted! And he was "driven" handcuffed into this marriage under higher authority's - Family pressure! -- Duhh! Imagine!! He has 2 baby boys!
Now what I concluded is that:
Then I look at Mom & Dad. Ma Sha2 Allah, La Qwwat Ella Bellah. My Mom always says that they never had the "Butterflies" nor "Madly in Love" state. But I see what I've become more and even more interested into, the "Attachment." I see how they are at ease with each other, enjoying the silence and speaking up; especially Mom. Eventhough I've witnessed a couple of ups & downs between them, it's just hard picturing them leading lives separated from each other. Although they had and still having their small fights every now and then during the course of their 32 years long lasting -In Sha2 Allah- marriage, in my mind; they are glued to one another forming one entity... one being.
I'm finding myself more Out of "Madly in Love" state, In the "Partnership" bond. Where it should be like:
Yet, that must be built on a sloid foundation. And again, my blueprint is:
On the other hand, the Qura'nic verse has always fascinated me. As the word "Love" has only been mentioned once through the Holy Qura'n. And it was to describe a devilish sensation too!
."في سورة يوسف، قوله تعالى: "شغفها حباً
Whereas the true genuine feeling is the "Intimacy" - "وجعلنا بينهما مودةً ورحمة"
I've been watching Good Will Hunting the other day. And this small dialogue between Matt Damon & Robin Williams grabbed my attention:
WILL – Matt Damon: You ever think about gettin' remarried?
SEAN – Robin Williams: My wife's dead.
WILL: Hence, the word remarried.
SEAN: She's dead.
WILL: Well I think that's a wonderful philosophy, Sean. That way you can go through the rest of your life without having to really know anyone.
A beat. Sean smiles.
SEAN: Time's up.
Do they exist?
People still attached to their spouses, even after being parted because of death?!
I don't want the love of sweet words!
I want this!
! السُكنى
The Attachment!
I'm lost!! :S
This post is so missing a theme! :S
What I know is that, I loved this article:
And it got me supporting the "Myth" notion by all means! :)
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