Me alone...
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
  This is a Private Talk! But I'm Opened about It! :P
WARNING! [underlined! 8D]
I'll keep going & coming, don't mind me! :P

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I'm loving you for the moment! :D
Ok Ok! I know I've been MEAN to you for a while!
I'm in a good mood for the moment, so seize it you Dork!!!! :P

You are my teeny weeny little secret! :x
You are just GLUED to the inside of my heart!

These are some RrRrandomz factoz about me - you'll like'em :P
Well! Yeah Sure! Dddaaahhhh!!! :P
No I meant La9aga people still love me!
Although I'm being all the hard-to-catch busy busy all day!
They still INVITE me to coffee & seduce me with candies!!!!
And thay aren't of any taste!!!!! - The Candies I mean! :P
I'm still suffering of "slightly" not being on good command of focusing!
Today I was thinking that I should water my little plant before weekend & was
talking to the voices in my head inno after al '9ohor prayer I'll put on
my glittery slippers Mama bought me & go get some water..
Ok till here still fine. The crazy thing is, I recalled that my little boiler Baba
bought me had this - just perfect to water the plant - amount of extra water
& was - Again! - talking to the useless - having major troubles in focusing! -
voices in my head that I should empty the boiler, without noticing
that it's just SUITABLE to water the plant!!!!!!
And I - for my 3ajaz & stupidity! - added the extra water to the left tea in my mug in order to get it washed later!!!!
Just as I emptied the boiler, my eyes caught the poor plant
& I was Loudly like:
I hate it when such incidents occure!!! :$
I'm br'9o still being nasty to some people!
I dunno why!!!
But I enjoy it! :D loool
I forgot my cell in my drawer yesterday & didn't feel like going back to pick it
And I found it rather teasy in some way to keep it away then check who called or sms'ed!
So this morning I've got ONLY ONLY ONLY 1 MISSED CALL!!! ONLY!!!
Dear!!!! I was disappointed!
Anyway, it was my friend, I called her back for only 2 or 3 rings'at then hung up the moment she answered!!!!
Well COM'ON!! I'm not that Psycho!!!
I thought it was too early to call people! plus I didn't want her to feel good I'm returning her calls! :p
So sometime later, she called again & was asking about this shop that used to be in Al Basateen that prints & embroiders whatever you like on any garments.
I've never known there's such shop in Jeddah! let alone Al Basateen!!!
She got me ALL HYPER & CRAZY cuz I've like ALWAYS wanted to get that!
Kalam of my own on my T-shirts!!! 7amaaas! ;D
And I was just thinking the other day about it! wondering if I could get it
And reminding myself to ask the girlz if they happen to know any...
I don't know!!! I don't live in Al Basateen!!
but I was Madly asking her if she got to know where did they
move the shop.... TELL MEEE!!!!
I've got many 5arabee6 to WEAR! ;P
Ya Nasss I just LOVE quotes & kalam on T-shirts!
I was wearing this red T-shirt of Stradi. that says: "Your Boyfriend Bought Me This T-shirt!" & all people were smiling & telling me how mean I was! lol
I know this couple of guys who started this project of writing - bel3arabi I guess - on T-shirts, I just loved their idea - the guys are cool too! ;P
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Can't wait till Summer begins!
I need sunshine!!!
And I'm feeling too white too! 8D
* * *
I'm on-line now with my sisters & little brother & cousin,
my dp says: "F*ck You!"
They're all showering me with: "Ish gellat al adab elly inti feeha dee!!!"
"Gad keda 7yatek zeft???"
"I like your pic.! ;)"
I'm nudging my brother cuz I want to ask him what does this word mean??? ;P
But he's not answering me! looooooool
He acts nonchalant & careless! lol
* * *
I've never been to Black Rose untill the other day when I was out alone with my uncles. I was asking about new Cafe's & restaurante's in town when my older uncle said he'll take us to the Black Rose & we'll dangerously gonna like it!
The moment we stepped out of the car my other uncle said: "La ya ..., ma neb'3a ma7allat itnain y7obbo ba3a'9 w '3MBAJA!!!" LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL - referring to the totally dimmed place, as fe "Hai2a disaster" about to happen! shakly kan marrah '3ala6 & Ba666al alone with both of them! ;P!!!
I swear I still laugh at that night! I asked him how come you're saying so???!!!
- He's romantic but of a bad luck!! lool
I adored the '3AMBAJA word though!!!! lool
We - my sisters & me - are planning to go bruching tomorrow - I suggested Casper & they'll like it whether they like it or not! :P - Just now my sister told me: "Tomorrow is the Valentine's & kol al amaken itnain y7obbo ba3a'9 w '3ambaja!"
Yeah I know dear! And I've already backed myself up!
I've just joined the Anti-Valentine thing group on Facebook! loool
* * *
Guess I'm done now! ;D
Ladies & Gentlemen, this is the Q & A part!! :P
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Sweet dream ya hubby! ;)


Nice post though I didn't understand much :P
Yeah HP!
It was meant to be vague! ;P
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