Weather, time, diet, thoughts and 3ashora2
The weather is really good!
Yesterday morning when I went out to work at 8:something, I felt chilling I swear I drifted into sweet doze the moment I settled in the car. Accordingly, as arriving; it was hard to get in full consciousness!
Wouldn't have minded if the driver offered taking a longer road..
The whole week though was not as good as the weather is.. had a rough one..
I'm arriving to acknoweldge this part of my personality: I tend to stay calm, even quieter than usual when really annoyed or embarrassed -- especially as it comes to matters of work..
Really hate to upset my loved ones that I know things in particular might concern them..
Anyhow, glad it's weekend.. Just about time!
Speaking of time, God knows it's shocking me how I'm running out of it ALL THE TIME!
I realize that I'm doing absolutely nothing, besides working and sleeping!
And if I happen to have the space and energy, I do not have the will!
I started dieting.. Never been on a diet!
And I really find it so hard to be restricted to a not-so-yummy menu!
Started Saturday, went fine.. actually got busy that I forgot to moan for good food!
Sunday of course, started cheating!
Anyway, as I weighted myself on Monday afternoon, I almost cheerfully jumped!
I lost a kilo!
Cheating continued, but I'm determined to manage keeping on track as possible till next month.. Many social gatherings and I really want to fit for the gown-show off!
Having second thoughts, having critical doubts.. and it's wearying and concerning me for some time now that my mind began to pursue a dangerous way of reasoning!
I was a lot like: "Ast'3foro Allah Al3azeem!" the couple past days..
But some incidents really evoke my mind to contemplate about the approach/manner/order/method life is being led.. and our destinies in accordance.
And my mind never rests..
I'm fasting for 3ashora2 10 and 11 of Mu7arram in sha2 Allah.. you guys should do too.. go google it.
Happy belated New Hijry Year!
Labels: diet, holy day, Jeddah, thoughts, time
"If I tell you I love you, can I keep you forever?"